**************CLOCK in a visual force page*******************
quiet interesting !! is it ??????????
=================================================================================> Yes it can be done with help of some basics in html , with this you can even create a stop watch or countdown timer TOO but for now i came up with an example of clock which will be displayed on the visual force page and which can be stopped even .
And here is the code for it ...........!!!!!!!!
<apex:page id="thePage" showHeader="false"><html>
<div id="clock"></div>
<div align="right">
<button onclick="int=window.clearInterval(int);" id="stop">Stop Clock</button>
</body><script type="text/javascript">
var int = self.setInterval("clock()",1000);
function clock()
var d=new Date();
var t=d.toLocaleTimeString();
document.getElementById("clock").innerHTML = "<B>" + t + "</B>";
You can play around with "set Interval" and "clear Interval" functions to create a stop watch or countdown timer code.
Hope this was interesting and useful.
Happy Clouding.. :)...:)...:)
This is great Rohit,
ReplyDeleteCould you help me with countdown timer,, ? how to implement that ?